Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy


Teen pregnancy also referred to as adolescent pregnancy, teen pregnancy is generally defined as a teen woman conceiving before the age of 20. The bulk of research looking at rates of teen pregnancy examines information from the 20th century forward, and although cross-national comparisons remain difficult to make, national data are often separated between “developed” and “developing” countries. Additional variables included, if available, are race and ethnicity, educational level of the pregnant teen, economic level of the pregnant teen, her living situation (e.g., living with the child's biological father and/or her biological parent or parents), access to sex education and contraception, and access to healthcare and sources of nutrition. Two major concerns stand out in the research: teen pregnancy as a social problem and the health of pregnant adolescents and their children. (Singh, Darroch, Jennifer, 2001)


Statistics on Teen Pregnancy

Since the connection between school malfunction and teenage pregnancy is so powerful and because teen pregnancy sways the advancement of adolescents themselves and their young children who care about the learning of youth should furthermore deal with the avoidance of teenage pregnancy. Moreover, granted the claims on the wrinkles in the area of learning essential to specify for a good giving job is more significant than ever for teens to complete high school and accomplish higher learning, while possible. Overall, about half (51%) of teenage mothers have a high school diploma in evaluation to 89% of women who manage not have teenage birth. Young teenage mothers are less probable to graduate from high school. Parenthood is a foremost origin of dropout rates amidst adolescent young women, 30% of adolescent young women before pregnancy or the hood of parents as a cause for lowering out of school. (Graham, Elizabeth, 2005)

Other facts and numbers, we discovered that less than two per hundred of juvenile teenage mothers (those who have a progeny under 18) to accomplish higher learning at the age of 30 years. Children of teenage mothers are more probable than mothers who provided birth at the age of 20 to 21 depart school. In detail, only about two-thirds of young children born to teenage mothers obtained a high school diploma in evaluation to 81 per hundred of young children elderly child bearers. (Graham, Elizabeth, 2005)

Children of teenage mothers furthermore did not present as well as young children over mothers on assesses to encourage progeny and school, for example cognition, dialect and connection, and interpersonal skills. They are furthermore less probable to read straightforward publications individually and illustrate early abilities in evaluation to young children born to mothers 20-21. (Hamilton, Martin, 2010)

Children of teenage mothers manage poorer in school than those born to older parents. They are 50 per hundred more probable to replicate a class, less probable to graduate from high school to young children over the mother, and have smaller presentation on normalized tests. (Graham, Elizabeth, 2005)

Link between learning and teen pregnancy is in both directions. That is, teen pregnancy often has a contradictory influence on learning, as ...
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