The Globalization Of Nothing

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The Globalization Of Nothing


George Ritzer's Globalization of Nothing (Ritzer, 35) provides a highly original take on globalization that illuminates aspects of globalization are neglected in many standard works. Ritzer produces a wide range of categories, some original, to delineate how globalization produces a mass scale, homogenization and standardization of consumer products and practices. Thus, his most recent book is a worthy successor to the McDonaldization of society (Ritzer, 76), Expressing America (Ritzer, 1995), and charming and disappointed world: Revolutionary means of consumption (Ritzer, 66), as well as his other recent work on McDonaldization.

In these comments, first, the I want to critically engage with an issue that Ritzer, perhaps, a name that in my opinion, it would significantly strengthen their conceptual optical. Then, the I will make some comments on things I, as well as find important in the book, and will indicate some differences.

Discussion and Analysis

Ritzer presents his definition of globalization, about anything, as a whole is conceived and centrally controlled social forms that are comparatively devoid of distinctive content '(p. XI), such as the shape Mills Corporation shopping malls, airports, hotel chains, credit cards, and Of course, McDonald's and fast food restaurants. It is the dialectic of something and nothing but a continuum of social forms with "something" was introduced as "a social form that is usually home conceived, controlled and comparatively rich in distinctive substantive content, and form a large extent, and essentially unique" (Ritzer, 66).

Dialectics of something and nothing has been fleshed out a number of conceptual contrasts between places and not places, things and things, persons and entities, and services and not services, including, as examples of the credit cards, telemarketing, fast production food, and global branding (I will provide additional examples and explication of how to proceed I). He also develops a number of other categories ...
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