Campaign Fundraising

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Campaign Fundraising

Campaign Fundraising


A fundraising campaign is an activity performed by a group in order to raise money for the group and its programs. The fundraisers typically require that the group provides a product, a service or an event that allows others to contribute money. Examples of such sales campaigns are performing cookies Girl Scouts, car wash, and community carnivals. In each case, the charge for a product group (cookies), a service (car wash) or event (carnival). Of course, there are campaigns and campaigns. That is, there are collections that raise only enough money to supply food pantries and mega-events are six figures and more. Although the spirit is the same, the activities related to each type of fundraising campaign are somehow different (


Organize and Plan the Event

Try to make a record of those who attend the event, register with a sheet or offer a prize to the entry for which people are required to register. These people are employees of the group, or at least are potential contributors. They can continue to work with them after and encourage them to become active members.

Make sure you have enough information about your group to hand-brochures, membership credentials, announcements of upcoming events. Document the event to the public! Invite local media to attend, take pictures. This will give them something concrete to show donors in the future and even something to add to the group newsletter.

Planning is an essential step for the successful completion of a fundraising campaign. The next step is to determine what type of collection to use. There are several types, including activities such as auctions, and products such as candy or magazine sales. To decide which is most appropriate fund for your group, refer to the list above and then discuss with the organizing committee on what would be ...
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