Effects Of Divorce On Child Development

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Effects of Divorce on Child Development

Effects of Divorce on Child Development


Child development is a dynamic and comparative study of children's psychological and behavioral changes from birth till adolescence. It not only deals with how children grow physically, but it also deals with their mental, social and emotional development. It tries to explain normal and abnormal behavioral aspects of the children. This paper demonstrates the literature and analysis on the effects of divorce on the child psychology and development.


Children consider physical phenomena as products of human creation, thinking that people can influence them.Communication occurs primarily through speech. Communication with parents, especially mother, is considered as the first source of learning in young children. The period of life ranging from two and a half to six years is called preoperative and can be subdivided into two stages: one that ends at the end of the fourth year and another including 5-6 years. The overall characteristics of the first stage of this period are psychological. Symbolism and representation , at the age of around two and a half years the child enters the world of symbols in different ways such as pretend play, language, speech and internal images, dreams, etc (Hockenbury & Hockenbury 2007, pp.52). Pre-conceptual reasoning that goes from general to specific or particular to the general, but passes from the particular to the particular and operates by the mere combination of parts without achieving true joint between them.Realism, children consider that things are what they appear to be in immediate perception. Thus, dreams, names of things, the moral obligations are treated as tangible, and substantial. Animism, children interpret the phenomena of reality differently than adults, attributing physical properties of objects and events as life, consciousness, etc.


Divorce has become one of the most frequent environmental stresses experienced by kids. This content reviews present conceptualizations of kid's variation to divorce (Gorell-Barnes & Dowling, 1999). Such as, scientists have shifted away from the view that family architectural factors, such as single-parent position, require the development of psychopathology in kids. Recently, scientists have shifted their attention to events that include marriage dissolution, rather than the event of divorce per se. Such process factors have been determined as more significant fits of kid's modification.

The researchers have examined parent divorce results on several developmental domains of engaged kids after constructing three analytically distinct divorce stages: pre-, then-, and post-divorce period (Kim, 2011). Under guidance of in past statistics sophisticated methods, research has shown that results of parent divorce are stage-specific in addition to domain-specific. Kids of divorce lagged behind in mathematics analyze ratings during and after they underwent parent divorce (significant mixed results of the then- and post-divorce effects). As to the interpersonal skills, research identifies adverse then-divorce impact and adverse mixed results of the then- and post-divorce results (Kim, 2011). Research found pronounced then-divorce impact in the internalizing behavior dimension. Research did not ascertain presumably adverse consequences of parent divorce in reading analyze ratings and the externalizing behavior problems in any level of the time ...
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