Motivation And Change

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Motivation and Change

Motivation and Change


Motivation is psychological aspect that encourages an individual to achieve desired goal. Motivation and behavior change has been found to have a strong link. Motivation can be considered as a driving force that helps attain an individual a desired behavior. Through motivation, not only one can change perceptions about self identity, but can also bring considerable changes into his or her lifestyle.

The document discusses how motivation can cause behavior change. The content of the document is designed to explore the topic under the light of achievement theories.


Behaviorists reckon that our reaction to the environmental stimuli structures our behaviors. The environmental stimuli that this document will discuss are motivation. Driving people to cultivate and maintain healthy patterns of day to day life involves the aspect of motivation. To ensure that people perform and maintain behaviors which will serve in their best possible interest can at times be troublesome task to accomplish. These may include cultivating good habits, moderating bad habits, sticking to the medicines, eating properly, exercising regularly and on top of that it is important to consider how motivation can help people strive for their goals and aims. The goals can be realistic or adaptive. On broad bases motivation can also be used to change mindset of people to modify their aims and objectives in synchronization with new opportunities and challenges (for instance, for older adults, retirement, re-location, illness, loss and recovery from the illness). There remains a constant need of changes in life. With time behaviors, approaches, mindsets and attitudes towards certain things are supposed to change. As people come across newer and better opportunities in life the need for change became imminent for instance entering new relationships, new educational level, new job or even new life styles.

Vaillant's Theory of Adaptation to Life views the development of an individual within the paradigm of the framework of relationships and other environmental factors that forms the environment of an individual. The theory states that “layers” of environment are the complex factors that play integral part in child's development. It focuses on the relationship between the development of an individual and changing environmental factors. It focuses on a direction of growth or development. It states that with time we adapt to changes in life that are better suited to us. Motivation is an important aspect. Psychologists have since very long came to the realization that when they need to learn how effectively anything is going to be completed, it is significant to recognize how much skill and motivation is involved.

Motivation contributes to amplified energy and effort. Motivation boosts the level of hard work and enthusiasm that people put in plans directly associated with their needs and targets. It decides if they undertake an activity wholeheartedly and enthusiastically or unenthusiastically or apathetically.

Achievement Theory

The Achievement motivation theory transmits background and personal-characteristics to a need for achievement and the associated competitive drive to meet standards of excellence. Motivation is an approach that develops by means of positive interactions between ...
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