Operations Improvement Plan Implementation

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Operations Improvement Plan Implementation

Operations Improvement Plan Implementation


The primary aim behind the implementation of an operations improvement plan is to identify any specific behaviors or any area of functioning that needs to be improved to produce more effective outcomes. The assessment of this improvement plan provides employees with a clear sense of direction to base their expectations on. For the development of an effective plan, it is necessary to first set out in the field to collect data and then analyze the potential areas of growth. This data should then be analyzed to provide appropriate behavior prescriptions which ultimately engage the employees and thus, enhance their level of satisfaction (Kellen, 2003).

Potential Data Collection Tools and Techniques

A data collection tool refers to an instrument, the utilization of which can help to gather important information, which can then be analyzed to reach specific conclusions regarding a problem statement. The common tools for data collection include; surveys, interviews and other observatory methods (Driscoll, 2011).

The techniques through which the survey method aids in collecting data include checklists and other questionnaires, which can be comprised of both open-ended, as well as close-ended questions. Interviews, on the other hand, can be structured, semi-structured, non-directive or focus. The determination of which technique to adopt depends on the nature of the data being collected. For observations, the prospective techniques involve overt, covert, participant and non-participant observations.

Selected Data Collection Tool

The tool that will be adopted for data collection with the aim of evaluating the various phases of the Operations Improvement Plan would be the survey method. The data collection would involve the administration of a specifically designed questionnaire on a large sample (see appendix 01). This tool becomes most beneficial particularly in this regard as it helps in collecting data from a large sample in ...
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