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Assignment on Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. There are many individuals in psychology program who are often preparing assignments on psychology. They do not have sufficient time to gather research material to prepare assignments. This section of Researchomatic contains many assignments that are prepared by professionals. These psychology assignments will help individuals in preparing their assignments.

Divorce’s Impact On Preschool, School-Age, And Adolescent Children: Outline
Divorce's Impact on Preschool, School-Age, and Adolescent Children: Outline Divorce's Impact on Preschool, School-Age, and Adolescent Children: Outline Introduction Divorce is a legal termination of a bond or marriage. All those through this divorce phase are in a very difficult situation at least most of them. It is not only difficult for ...
Parental Style And Socio-Emotional Development In Middle Childhood
Parental Style and Socio-Emotional Development in Middle Childhood Parental Style and Socio-Emotional Development in Middle Childhood Introduction Parenting pattern is an essential part to build the normal approaches that parents use in their nurture. Different peoples have their own perception to bring up their child character. Many psychologists have different theories and ...
Theories On Cognitive Development
Theories on Cognitive Development Theories on Cognitive Development Vygotsky and Piaget gave important views to educators over the cognitive development of a child. Piaget showed that a child progresses through the cognitive development stages through maturation, methods of discovery as well as social transmissions. The theory of Vygotsky focused over the importance ...
Assessment And Treatment Plan
Assessment and Treatment Plan Confidential Bio/Psycho/Social Assessment Name:Address: Date of Birth:Phone: Primary Language:Education: Referred By:Occupation: Assessment Evaluated By: Description of Client The client is a 13-year-old female child, dressed casually in neat, clean clothing. She makes normal eye contact, speaks in an expressive voice, and appears ill at ease, manifested by nervous ...
Ethics Awareness Inventory
Ethics Awareness Inventory Ethics Awareness Inventory Ethical Perspective The set of instruction set which is defined for distinguished the right from the wrong is referred to as ethics in my personal opinion. The ethical code of conduct acts as guideline for the human with respect to their actions associated with their rights, benefits, ...
Case Study Analysis
Case Study Analysis Case Study Analysis Introduction The following paper is basically based on a case study that revolves around different characters. The motive of the study is to enhance the child developmental problems that he faced during the upbringing stage. In this study, a character named Max is facing different ...
Attentional Blink
Attentional Blink Attentional Blink How the Attentional Blink Relates To Attention Attentional Blink refers to the phenomenon that if there are two targets, then the second one of them cannot be identified or detected if it appears closer to time compared to the first one. The basic 'attentional blink' paradigm employs a method ...
Executive Case Summary
Executive Case Summary Executive Case Summary Presenting Problems and Strengths Jonathan Reid, the patient in the case is 19 years of age and was provided with residential attention and treatment at Tucson, Arizona on December 07, 2012. Jonathans regards himself as a multi-racial, heterosexual, Caucasian male. He is of the view that ...
Brief Therapies And Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Brief Therapies and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Table of Contents Introduction1 Brief Therapy and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy1 Effectiveness of Brief Therapies2 Challenges of Brief Therapy2 Conclusion2 References4 Brief Therapies and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Introduction Therapy is an effective and efficient way of dealing with psychological problems which often cause other medical and behavioral problems as well. It is necessary for the ...
Competency Self-Assessment
Competency Self-Assessment Competency Self-Assessment Using the competencies and essential elements described in the “Competency Assessment Toolkit for Professional Psychology” (Kaslow et al, 2009), given below is the self assessment for acquired knowledge, skills and attitude: Competency: Professionalism Essential Elements Yes- Exceeded Yes- Expected No- Somewhat Below No- Far Below Unable to rate Integrity X Deportment X Accountability X Concern welfare for other X Professional identity X Competency: Reflective Practice Yes- ...
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