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Assignment on Statistics

Statistics is a science dedicated to the collection, analysis and interpretation of data through the application of various statistical techniques. Statistics assignments often require the application of various statistical methods as well as descriptive statistics. This section of Researchomatic will provide you with some of the most carefully selected statistics assignments, in order to help easy interpretation of numerical information and to gain understanding of the different statistical concepts.

Week 4 Homework
Week 4 Homework Week 4 Homework Introduction Excel is the Microsoft Office series software that can use to evaluate the statistical results by using different statistical techniques. Through this we can understand the data by using the accurate statistical techniques which can helpful for the student or researcher to examine the data easily. ...
Statistics Analysis
Statistics Analysis Statistics Analysis Exercise 16 The researcher analyzed the data which they collected through interview and other sources, so they implement Experimental level of measurement on the data (Steel & Torrie, 1960). The mean which has noticed in posttest empowerment score for the control group is 97.12. The mean of baseline for ...
Research Techniques
RESEARCH TECHNIQUES Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industry Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industry Introduction Knife Crime is the deadliest crime that most happen in all parts of the world. It considered as a brutal or heinous crime that can kill the victim easily. Throughout the world, the crime has reached ...
Statistical Analysis
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS STATISTICAL ANALYSIS [Name of the Institute] Statistical Analysis Question # 1 A Latin term which means that different elements remain unaltered. Ceteris paribus is regularly utilized as an assumption when directing a wide assortment of budgetary examinations. By holding everything else consistent, the ceteris paribus surmise makes it conceivable to recognize the reason ...
Business Decision Making
BUSINESS DECISION MAKING Business Decision Making Business Decision Making Task 2 (a) Statistics No. of Orders N Valid 19 Missing 0 Mean 8.4211 Median 7.0000 Mode 7.00 Quartiles 25 5.0000 50 7.0000 75 9.0000 (b) From the above table, it can be observed that the average number of online orders for Alperton is 8.42 with the median value of 7 and most of the online orders were 7. Moreover, it is recommended that to increase the ...
Statistics For Health Care Research
Statistics for Health Care Research Statistics for Health Care Research Variables Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Empowerment             Baseline 98.4 9.19 97.08 8.99 97.74 9.02 Post-test 105.4 7.28 97.12 8.73 101.08 8.91 Self-care Self efficacy           Baseline 89.56 14.88 93 13.62 91.28 14.02 Post-test 96 13.55 91.4 10.55 93.7 12.24 Depression           Baseline 14 11.31 10.4 10.34 12.2 10.88 Post-test 13.36 10.55 10.4 10.34 11.88 10.45 Answer 1 The researcher analyzed the collected data which they gathered through one-to-one interviews and other related sources and it was based on the experiments. Out of all the given option, Experimental level of measurement is suitable for this data ...
Statistics Analysis
Statistics Analysis Statistics Analysis Task 1 Introduction The study relates to football which focuses on age, gender, season tickets of football games and football team support through which study of attitude of people towards football can be helpful. However, in particular, the study aims to find out who would be most likely to follow ...
ASSIGNMENT Assignment Assignment Research Question 1 Does the rescue team should be proactive in its approach for preventing the properties of people from fire? Hypothesis 1 The approach of rescue team for not taking care of properties of people is not appropriate. In relation to this, it is important and crucial to note that people should be ...
Experimental Research
Experimental Research Experimental Research Introduction In this era people are more conscious about their health as compared to the past. Studies show that the attitudes and knowledge of people vary from one other regarding health. To remain healthy key factors are healthy food, physical activities and positive attitudes towards health. Various studies have ...
Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping Mystery Shopping Introduction The study is primary research based in which an evaluation is conducted through “mystery shopping” criteria. According to (Michelson, M, 1997, pp.3-4) “mystery shopping” is the evaluation technique used by various companies for the analysis of company's performance and performance of the employees. (Erstad, M, 1998, ...
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