W.E.B. Du Bois

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W.E.B. Du Bois


Du Bois (1868-1963) is considered as one of the most famous American sociologists, historians, political activists and scholars, who wrote numerous books and articles on the topics of race, religion and experience of black in America (Barnes, p.1). He is also known as an anti religious socialist because he considered that it is not justified treating someone unequally based on the religious practices. He used original teachings of Christ to explain to Americans that they were not justified in their behaviors toward the black people; he is often known as the pioneer sociologist of religion. He incorporated race as a social factor for revising various social and economic policies. He did not only work for the racial justice of blacks, but for women rights, working classes and poor masses as well. Thus, Du Bois did not only contribute to the study of Blacks, but also to the intellectual study of America, but he is mainly known for his contribution to the black people and solving their social problems.


Du Bois is known as famous Christian sociologist, political activist and scholar. He was the first African American who received the PhD degree from Harvard University and thus he was the man who knew very well about the social, political and economic conditions of the Black Americans. Later, he joined Philadelphia Divinity School as a lecturer of Christian Sociology. During his stay at school, he presented his theories relating religion, racism and the social issues (Blum, 2005). He focused on the point that though the real Christian Church is based on the concept that there is no discrimination between whites and blacks as all are human. It is the religion that provides the people with a unique ethical and moral system; it taught them that how could they lead their lives with equality and brotherhood. On the contrary, the white Christians almost ever fail to practice the principles of equality and justice for blacks. One of the major reasons for which the white people altered their religious instructions was to gain economic benefits, as they promoted the slavery of black people at large extent during the 19th century and never considered the essential principles of brotherhood in their behaviors with blacks. Thus, Du Bois believed that there was a need of making ethical and religious adjustments in order to provide black people with the equal rights.

Du Bois attempted to solve the social problems through the discipline of sociology. The major theme of the Du Bois discourse revolves around racism and the associated issues. He particularly focused on the Africana studies which were often overlooked by the previous sociologists. Among infinite other issues, Du Bois focused on capitalism, sexism, colonialism besides the racism (Rabaka, p.732). Also, Du Bois contributions include anticipations of several contemporary theoretical revolutions, particularly those which were related to Africana studies. He explained that the duties of religious and African American leaders were to mainly develop a just society for all; this was essential in order to meet ...
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