Health Care Interview

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Health Care Interview

Health Care Interview


Use of public health care services have always been essential in every generation, and there are several reason behind the access of health care services, it includes cure of illness, prevention of future health care problems, and reduction in pain. Access of health care services helps in increasing the quality of life and many a times it helps in obtaining information about the status of health, Utilization of health care can vary in many different manners, such as appropriate or inappropriate, low or high quality, inexpensive or expensive, these variations have taken place from time to time. Analysis of these trends Health care can help in understanding the resulted variations. In order to analyze the variation in these trends I took interview with my grandparents, parents, and young generation including my colleagues. It helped me in understanding the medical trends involved in health care.

Interview with Parents

When I interviewed my parents their response helped me in identifying that, Health Care Organizations use to employ various techniques for the delivery and management of Health Care Services. However, there was a lack of consistency in the operational and clinical services that significant the health condition of the patients. Proper management and quality care was required in order to overall improve the system. It was important to comply with the regulatory requirements and guidelines of the certificate agencies.

My parents responded that many Health Care Organizations worked to improve the overall infrastructure of the organization in order to provide high quality service to patients. Moreover, they worked to manage coordinators and other human resource under the guidance of medical directors. It helped organizations to improve the efficiency of the organization and improve the quality of service provided to patients. They highlighted that during that time it was important for hospitals to employ various technologies that help organizations to manage information and database of the patients, which can help hospitals and health care organizations to retrieve previous data. Retrieving previous treatment record is pretty important for the health care organization as it ensures that health care organization provides appropriate services to the patients keeping in view the needs and requirements of the patient. In response to the current health care services my parents said that Health care organization and the state must ensure that high quality services are provided to patients without any discrimination of place, sex, age and religion.

Interview with grand parents

When I interviewed my grandparents their response towards the health care was not so good, during their time many public hospitals and Clinics were often criticized because they do not provide high quality service and do not give the patient the due attention they desire. However, the situation is severe, because Public organizations do not provide services up to the mark, but situation is better in a private organization was comparatively better. My grandparents told me that during their time people experience most health and social problems, so, it was very important for a private institution and public organizations to ...
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