Music And Arts

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The Ways Composers Combine Music with Other Art

The Ways Composers Combine Music with Other Arts


Throughout the history, of art have been painters and sculptors who have used musical references in his works. The modern composer can be based on a painting as a stimulus to trigger a colorist arsenal or to facilitate the creation and understanding of environment particular. Music is the art of producing sounds and, chords combine all the elements of sound creation, instruments, rhythms, sounds, ringtones, ringtones, serial organization, melodies, and harmonies. At its most primal, music is the art of producing and combining sounds in a manner so pleasing to the ear, that his soul-stirring modulations.


In all civilizations, the music plays a pivotal role in the most relevant events, social or personal, which has a mediating role between the differentiated (material) and undifferentiated (pure will), or between the intellectual and spiritual. So is particularly important in ritual ceremonies, in addition to its ability to, promote the emotions. The music represents the balance and order, is a common language. The music, like any art form, is a cultural product. The purpose of this art is to provoke an experienced aesthetic in the listener, and express feelings, circumstances, thoughts or ideas. The music is a stimulus that affects the individual's perceptual field, so the flow of sound can fulfill various functions (entertainment, communication, environment, etc.).

Much of human cultures have musical expressions. Whatever the diverse musical practices of various peoples and cultures have in common, it is important not to lose sight of diversity in the instruments used to produce music, as forms of the voice cast in terms of forms to treat the rhythm and melody, and, above all, about the role that music plays in different societies, is not the same music you hear on a religious celebration, the music heard in an ad advertising, or danced in a nightclub.

Classical melodies are popular period for the Western tradition of art melodies that started in Europe in the middle ages and extend today. It encompasses symphonies, sleeping room melodies, opera, and other grave, exquisite music. Such is the pattern, or form, of sentience, and the pattern of melodies is that identical pattern worked out in untainted, assessed sound and silence. Music is a tonal analogue of emotive life.

Most definitions of music only take into account some songs produced during a certain period in the West, ...
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