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Nursing - Case Study

Nursing - Case Study


Nursing is a noble profession, and everyone in this world knows this, but if we see back in the history, things were not the same as they are right now. Professional Nursing was not considered to be a good profession to pursue your career in, as people had a mind set about nursing that it is not a noble profession and one should not be taking it as a career. It all changes when one of the famous personalities from the history, as we all know many of them like, Margaret Sanger, Clara Barton and the most famous, Florence Nightingale joined this noble profession of professional nursing. She is the founder of what we refer to as professional nursing now. A person like her from a highly esteemed family joined this profession and proved to the world that helping people and caring for them is the best profession in the world. She is most famous for her efforts to reform the British military health system (Hebert E., 2007). Nursing means to care for the mankind it can be referred to as helping people regardless to any age, gender and nationality and only promotes to health, care of ill, prevention of illness, dying people and disabled ones.

In this essay, it will be discussed that what nursing is all about, what is the meant by professional nursing. Some discussion on the role of nurses in primary health care system will be discussed. Later on, the professional nursing and how does it differ from that of the team of nursing such an occupation therapist shall be discussed, In the middle of the essay, some examples and case studies referring to the patients of some community and what should be involved in the care of the patient and at the end the social determinants of health and some example according to the text will be discussed.


"Sickness" is what is happening to the patient. Listen to him. Disease is what is happening to science and to populations. (Weed, 1978, p. 205)

Nursing can be defined as, collaborative and autonomous care of people of all ages, groups, families and communities, in all settings, sick and well, this all is encompass by the profession of nursing. Nursing promotes the prevention of illness, health and disabled, care of ill and dying people. Promotion of a safe environment, advocacy, research, participation is shaping the patients and health policies and education and health system management are also key nursing roles.

In health care, nurses are considered the heart of it. They take different roles everyday in their job, an admirable nurse is always a great help of patients and doctors she serves. In charge of each patient, a nurse works under the directions of the doctors. Pertaining to treatments and medication, she follows doctor's orders and helps help doctors while performing certain procedures. She notifies doctors when patient's condition worsens, or if there is any emergency situation with any of the patients admitted in ...
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