The Selection Of Entry Level Managerial Job

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The Selection of Entry Level Managerial Job

The Selection of Entry Level Managerial Job


As discussed in the previous paper, there are various strategies that the department of Human Resources has to use in managing the workforce. Similarly, during the selection of an entry level managerial executive, the HR department has to devise different strategies in order to hire the best person for the job. These strategies are implied in the actual procedure of selection and recruitement.

The application

The initial step in the selection procedure for an entry level managerial job is for the applicant to fill out the application form. This form includes basic questions including the name and address of the applicant as well as educational background. Other questions included in this form could be reference information on any internship the applicant has done earlier and its numbers and other basic information. At the bottom, the applicant is required to sign the form, ensuring that all the information provided is authentic and true. At organizations not strictly bounded by the law of the state, the applicants are given an at-will statement. This statement highlights that any employee could be terminated at any given time and similarly the employee can leave any time it wants. Another requirement by the HR is to submit a professional resume. The applicant may or may not have previous experience. Regardless of this, the applicant is to provide all the documentation of the achievements it has shown in its resume. The HR of big organizations in the modern world makes use of automated tracking systems which could scan the keywords out of a resume. This proves to be time saving and efficient. This basic process is the first essential step in the selection process. It takes the basic information of the applicant and compares it with the required specifications provided by the management. In addition, the Human Resources will have to devise various strategies to best utilize the skills of the applicant(s) who are to be selected.

Screening Interview

This is mainly done before the start of the actual process of selection. Organizations prefer conducting this process to ensure that the applicants qualify the required the criterion of the entry level managerial job. This is mainly conducted over the phone where the interview normally asks a few quick questions from the applicant to determine its appropriateness for the open that has opened. If the applicant fails to match the criterion, it is commonly referred to another position within the organization. The applicants would be most likely be judged on their ability to interact with different cultures. This is due to the fact that the organization lost a great deal of money because one of the employee was not trained enough to interact with other cultures.

Selection tests

To determine the potentiality of the applicants, an organization conducts a various tests. The purpose of these tests is to determine the skills and abilities of an applicant. These skills are considered to be unnoticed during the process of the ...
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