Integrative Christian Counselling

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Integrative Christian counselling

Integrative Christian counselling

Chapter I: Introduction


The human beings are cognitive creatures, and therefore, they have a persistent cognitive process for understanding the phenomena and situations around them. The understanding and rationalize all the phenomena that are going in the life of an individual. The understanding causes happiness, as well as, sadness at the same time. In the life of an individual there are happy and sad moments in a simultaneous manner. The process encompasses of leading to happiness, as well as, sadness and therefore, a human could be subjected to both the perspectives in the same manner. A human is a compound that comes forth with several elements of happiness and sadness, pleasure and displeasure, peace and problem at the same time. He could be easily subjected to contrasting feelings at the same time [1].

These feelings of contrasting cognition yielding from several premises of understanding the world alone encompass of the idea of depression. The word depression is defined as “the state of the low mode for an individual where he feels negative about self and the world around him due to incidences and occurrences pertaining to the time spam of his life, as well as, the understanding of world around him” [1].

In the psychological context, depression is a mood, rather than, an entire state of mental disorder. It encompasses of feeling low and blue about self, as well as, the surrounding society. Depression pertains to become a psychological condition where, an individual plays an insignificant role, as well as, lead to negation and disappointment in the short term, as well as, the long term. Depression is a result of the experiences of an individual. It is based upon the individual, as well as, several experiences pertaining to the individual [2].

The depression is wholly and entirely based upon experiences that an individual experiences, in the context of life. It tends to create positive human feelings when the feelings are based upon a happier and positive experiment. In the same manner, sadness in the mood is caused by a very bad experience through the course of life. The premise of human moods and feeling has to do with the series of experiences that one possesses for the life [2]. The context of depression is merely based upon the bad side of human experiences that merely affects a meagre proportion in the overall cognition of an individual. However, it has major and serious consequences in the life of an individual. Consistent depression leads to serious psychological, as well as, physical disabilities. In addition to that, research also shows that people in the state of depression create further problems for self and society for the present and future life to come [2].

Generally, it is thought to be something that is similar to a stress, however, there is difference. The stress encompasses of everything that causes change in the normal and expected course of life of a human. However, the concept of stress encompasses of small tension created through the ...
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