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Research Papers on Bible

Bible research papers need to be based on fundamental articles of faith and the different principles that have arrived from the same. This needs to be based on authentic and quality research. Researchomatic meets the educational needs of its students by providing research papers on Bible. These research papers focus on the various aspects of the Bible and its teachings.

The Essence Of God
The Essence of God The Essence of God Introduction: From the very beginning man has tried to fathom the unfathomable (His existence), reach the unreachable (the cosmological), and explain the unexplainable (God's omnipresence and awareness). Man (the creation) is constantly seeking God's essence to comprehend man's ultimate purpose of life. However, ...
One Church-World Paradigm
One Church-World Paradigm Summary The role of theologians in the Church is somewhat like that of research scientists in an industrial firm. It is the job of such scientists to further the projects and goals of the company as they are established by its president and board of directors. If a scientist ...
Biblical Interpretations
Biblical Interpretations Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Biblical Interpretations” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “The Bible” and its relation with “an individual's way of spending their lives in the mortal world”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “The ...
RELIGION The Secret Gospel of Mark The Secret Gospel of Mark Overview The Secret Gospel of Mark is a gospel apocryphal Lost cited two short fragments in a letter attributed to Clement of Alexandria which was discovered in 1958 by Morton Smith, and there are serious doubts its authenticity. The author ...
Immortality Immortality in Islam Islam guarantees immortality to all people regardless of religion or individual merit, but only Muslims, full of faith in Allah and his prophet Mohammed, and strictly obey the commandments of the Koran, will go to paradise, all the rest are condemned to immortality in hell. An integral part ...
Jesus And The Walk Of Life
Jesus and the Walk of Life Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Jesus” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Jesus” and its relation with “Truth of Life”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “contribution of Jesus” and tries to gauge ...
Old Testament
OLD TESTAMENT Amos 8:1-10 from the Old Testament Amos 8:1-10 from the Old Testament Introduction Certainly, a broad consensus now exists among biblical scholars and theologians alike that the meaning of a biblical text cannot be restricted solely to its original, historical context. Whatever meaning it may once have had for its original addressees, ...
Evangelism And Church Growth
Evangelism and Church Growth Evangelism and Church Growth Introduction Religion has an immense importance in our lives it guides us to the right path that will lead us to success in the worldly life and the life hereafter. Having faith in Jesus will protect us from all evils and grant the blessings of ...
The Great Commission
The Great Commission The Great Commission Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the Biblical mission “The Great Commission”. The paper also analyzes the four main church structures i.e. Hybrid, traditional, organic and attractional. The Great Commission is considered to be one of the most preferred missions of Bible. This ...
9 Silver Plates Depicting David
9 Silver Plates Depicting David Introduction David is a character from the Bible which, the second king of Israel is presented in the biblical narrative, and his son Solomon, as one of the two founders of the ancient Jewish state. His story is told in the first book of Samuel and his ...
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