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Dissertation on Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is the field of study that helps business in collection and scrutinizes business data. Preparing a statistical analysis dissertation is quiet common for individuals who have adopted the field of statistics. This section of Researchomatic carries several statistical analysis dissertations. People can take help from these dissertations and can write their own dissertations on statistical analysis with no difficulty.

Effects Of Fiscal Policy On Growth
Effects of Fiscal Policy on growth by TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER # 1: INTRODUCTION1 Background of the Study1 Problem Statement1 Purpose of the Study2 Research Hypothesis2 Significance of the Study3 Disposition of Dissertation3 CHAPTER # 2: LITERATURE REVIEW5 Fiscal Policy5 Empirical Evidence6 Survey of Non-Fiscal Variable Elasticities of Fiscal Variables9 REFERENCES12 CHAPTER # 1: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In aggregate terms the worldwide growth of foreign ...
Lending Behaviour Of Banks In The Gambia
[LENDING BEHAVIOUR OF BANKS IN THE GAMBIA] by LENDING BEHAVIOUR OF BANKS IN THE GAMBIA CHAPTER 5: ESTIAMTION & RESULTS Granger Causality Test Before specifying the actual model for loans in Gambia, it is important to test the nature of existing relationships between variables. We will just use the simple exposure of two variables X and Y respectively.  In ...
How Abc Is Implemented And Used To Measure Customers Profitability And Product Profitability
How ABC is implemented and used to measure customers profitability and product profitability by ABSTRACT This research study is conducted to examine the implementation of activity-based costing (ABC) and its utilization for measuring the customer's profitability and product profitability. To accomplish this aim a survey is conducted with the employees of Nigerian commercial ...
Analysis Of Hybrid Cars In United Kingdom
Analysis of Hybrid Cars in United Kingdom by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT No words can express my appreciation and gratitude to my research advisor _______ through the course of this research, Professor _____has taught me numerous values that extend well beyond the realm of _________ (Your Subject Name). His emphasis on dedication to work and his ...
Performance Based Budgeting
PERFORMANCE BASED BUDGETING Performance Based Budgeting in Public Sector: The Case of Gambia [Name of Student] Performance Based Budgeting in Public Sector: The Case of Gambia CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY This section of the paper is entitled to represent the research design adapted in this study. The core objective of this section is to enlighten the ...
Autobiographical Event And Perspective Experience
[Autobiographical Event and Perspective Experience] by INTRODUCTION Depression is one of the most commonly occurring disorders among all the major psychiatric disorders, (Hofmann et al. 2011). Improvement of human psychological wellbeing is possible by understanding the factors that result in psychiatric disorders (David et al, 2010). Therefore, development of psychobiological model and formulation ...
MOTIVATION Motivation [Name of Student] Motivation H1a: Decision making is positively related to PSM According to the statistical analysis of data extracted through the sample of the study, it can be interpreted that there is positive and significant relationship between decision making and PSM. In this section of analysis, all variables representing PSM and the ...
Employee’s Motivation In Real Estate Company
[Employee's Motivation in Real Estate Company] by DATA ANALYSIS Question Your sex: a. Male b. Female Findings Sex Male 25 Female 10 Graph Analysis The questionnaire began with the most basic question that is the inquiry of gender. It has been observed that pattern of answers to questionnaires is often influenced by the gender of the respondents. Men and women see things differently ...
Nigeria Economic Growth
Nigeria Economic Growth EFECTS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA (1970-2011) CHAPTER 3 DATA ANALYSIS The Descriptive statistics analysis There is a 42 year analysis on the GDP of Nigeria has been studied with a mean per capita GDP of almost $509 having a SD of $343 which shows that there is ...
Spss Analysis
SPSS Analysis SPSS Analysis for Survey SPSS Analysis for Survey Introduction The survey monkey is an online surveying company which does surveys for different purposes like academic, business and marketing research etc. This survey has been conducted to analyze the quality of the work given by the Kuwait government. The survey ...
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